Tuesday, November 15, 2011



          This ad portrays how exercising can transform you into a girl with beautiful body that every men wants with him. The model in the ad (#2) is perfect in the eyes of the men and we as the public audience thing that if our female partner begins to do exercise with this type of brand soon enough they will look close to this model and soon we men; that honestly want girls with curves, will have a model. But the reality is other because no women will have that exact body some might have a girl like the model in ad #1. This type of girl who is chubby, the girl with a little fat on her waist is being cut out from the original ad because the company knows that no ad is "perfect" without the pretty girl.  This girl might be our partner that can’t get thinner because of her metabolism because of some sort of disease. Personally this is just wrong because every girl in this planet is beautiful! Even if they are a little heavy in the waist line.

        This ad makes us desire the model, desire to have one like her beside us (men). Be like her happy and watched by many (women).

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Personal Photography

I chose this pictures because this pictures are part of me of who I am in Life. Just like many artist photograph their family, themselves I am combining all this and portraying my family and myself, my family is the movie The Lion King. Lion King as been part of my whole life because it involved the death of my dad as portrayed in the film... the guilt of being responsible even though it wasn't my fault. The pictures show how childhood isn't gone even if you are 18, 19, or even 20, the childhood stays on the heart and its gone when you want to if not it will stay there forever!